CHMS graduates are equipped with tools and lessons for their next educational chapter. CHMS graduates who enter Kindergarten and 1st grade are often seen as leaders, student helpers, and peacemakers. Early childhood education at CHMS goes beyond creating a strong academic foundation, to develop proactive, empathetic, and prosocial graduates prepared for the future.

A typical CHMS graduate is…
Students learn to become proactive by navigating the diverse Montessori materials available in the dynamic Montessori environment. Children take initiative in the classroom, independently selecting and completing lessons at their own pace. The Montessori materials and environment provide valuable opportunities for children to practice personal responsibility.

In the mixed-age Montessori environments, children learn to develop empathy by being aware of others’ feelings and perspectives. The environment includes both younger and older children, fostering mutual guidance. Younger children benefit from the older ones’ warmth and experience, while the older children gain confidence by leading a helping hand to a child who is still learning. This diverse setting offers a glimpse into the real world, encouraging qualities such as thoughtfulness, consideration, and understanding as students learn to realize the world around them.

Within the Montessori environment, children have continuous opportunities for socialization and collaboration with each other and Montessori Guides. Uninterrupted time for independent and small group work allows children to naturally engage with friends, forming bonds and meaningful connections. Student’s autonomous interactions within the Montessori environment allows students to learn the fundamentals for socialization, conflict-resolution, and collaboration.

CHMS children graduate with a strong foundation in academics, socialization and emotional regulation. The lessons in Dr. Montessori’s eight core subject areas equip them with knowledge and critical thinking skills to socialize and engage with peers in varied settings. CHMS graduates become high achievers and positive community members in Kindergarten and 1st grade, well-prepared for the challenges and celebrations ahead after several years at CHMS.